I cannot sing enough praises for yarrow essence in any incarnation!
Yarrow help create a protective energetic boundary around us when we feel very permeable to outside influence. Obsidian added to this adds in an extra layer of protection.
This is the essence I suggest to most of my clients who deal with difficult work place situations, feeling highly sensitive and for those who feel they often take on the energies of another place or person. This is also a wonderful essence for those who do intense energy work, or for tarot readers.
Yarrow flower essence can help you face situations knowing you’re holding an energetic boundary. It allows you to engage, without being “sapped” or burdened.
Yarrow allows you to show up, be compassionate and move along.
Presented in a 1/2oz bottle with a hand-painted label.
Ingredients: brandy, mountain spring water, sun and yarrow flower essence
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.